Thursday, June 7, 2007


Welcome to the list of books I've managed to read between being married, working, going to the gym, playing with the dog and cats, and sleeping. It's not a long list but I've got a stack of books ready to go. I'm debating listing the scripts I have to read for work but since I don't actually manage to read most of them, and there's only 2 a year, it probably won't matter. Maybe I should include the comic books/graphic novels I read, too. Can't say there's a lot of them either, but every little bit helps. Since today is payday I won't have time to do much more than get this thing started. The posting of books will have to wait.

The inspiration for this blog came from girlfiend. She's looking for recommendations and I wanted to peruse my blog for my book list, but realized I couldn't easily access any titles without scrolling thru all of my entries. Too Much Work. So here I am and I hope it works out.

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